Campus Life Wiki

Once you recruited the 7th girl, you will unlock Harlan. Harlan is looking for a girl and is shy since he is a computer nerd. Once you unlock him and get a match, you will have available goals on dating Harlan and unlocking more dates! Keep dating him until he becomes your crush!

Opening Dialog[]

Harlan: Hey... I'm Harlan. I was...uh...wondering if you girls want to, I dunno...hang out sometime?

Choose a girl which will make a perfect match for Harlan. After choosing the girl, the girl you choose will say: Hey Harlan! Why so shy?

Harlan: Well...I guess I don't get out much, I'm mostly studying on my computer all day. But I like to listen!

Girl you choose: Aww you're sweet. And I bet you're really smart too! I love brainiacs...let's hang out sometime!


There are 5 levels:

Level:                             Points until next level:

Stranger                         6 Points

Casual Friends             20 Points

Close Friends               60 Points

Sparks Flying              200 Points

Crushes                    0 Points

Harlan: (Girl you chose) are the best! I want to be with you all the time...I'll do anything for us to be together!

WARNING: If you break up with Harlan by pressing, "break up," all your progress with your relationship with him WILL BE LOST!

Girl Compatibility[]

Girl Compatibility
Audrey 1 Flame
Michelle 4 Flames
Ashley 4 Flames
Tiffany 4 Flames
Kati 5 Flames
Jessica 1 Flame
Sarah 1 Flame

Appearance in Other Apps[]

In Episode, Harlan plays as Professor Brynes in Campus Crush.
